I suddenly realize that the time of being a student is limited. Looking back to 19 years in my life, at least, I spent 13 years in the campus staying with teachers and classmates without a concern of how to live a life on my own. After entering the unversity, the problem that I used to escape finally comes in front of me forcing me to face it. I realize that I need to think about how to plan for my future. What kind of job and career do I want to take? Lots of senior students have good results either in continuing academic study abroad or getting the offer from international firms with quite good salary. There must lots of efforts and tears hiding behind those shining smiles. In this world, there is one golden rule. "No pains, No gains." In the long run, besides projects, assignments and exams, there are other activities in the campus or off-campus that are worhtwhile for our attention and participation. Be aware of the goal of the life and have a clear image for our own life are necessary for an university student.
I really cherish the time of being with lovely professors. From primary school, middle school to high school, interaction with teachers are too easy. We could alwasy cry to our teacher because of low score or high burden and pressure on study. In the university, we go to different classes and listen to lectures. Some students don't even know the name of the lecturer while some professors are indifferent to their students. There is hardly no interaction between most of students. To some extent, this would give students freedom to learn on themselves and face their own difficulties. Unfortunately, on the other hand, the motivation for both parties is decreased. In the last lecturer, one of my professor told me that my exam was good in terms of the structure and language. This comment made my feel so happy. I felt more motived and confident in learning that course. In comparision, I did bad in the exam in another course. When I came to the professor of that course, I receive no suggestions and encouragement. Although I will also try hard to compensate for my own mistakes, the driving force to learn that course maybe a little bit less. Professors sometimes give the same lecturers for too many times so that they may feel boring. In that circumstances, their passion to teach more new things maybe inspired by students who actively respond to his or hers questions.
The time of being a university student could be our last chance to hide behind the wings of our parents. Some people always say that unveristy is the ivory tower. Other people perceive Honors College as "cage". Who could help them to change those sterotype? It is us to change their attitude. For us, university is the period that we transmit to an adult. And in Honors College, we are not only adult, we are also the future leaders who carrys different missions for our future!